Blue's Photos

Hello, I'm Steve and this is my dog blue.
This is where we live

Every day I try to find Three clues left by Blue
Can you help me find the clues?

Hey blue, where's the clue?

When we find a clue,
It's time for the handy dandy notebook

Steve Draws each clue

When we find all three clues
it's off to the thinking chair

Then we solve Blue's Clues

Blue loves the snow

Hey!!! Anybody Hungry???
I am!!!

Have you see me!!!

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All images copyright by Viacom International and Nickelodeon. This site is maintained for my children who love Blue's Clues and the web pages created for them by the fans. I am not contected to the production of Blue's Clues or Viacom.

This Page Designed By Protostar Web Designs